Presenters are listed in alphabetical order.
Building E-Pedagogy Efficacy in Higher Education
The authors will discuss the process of building faculty e-pedagogy efficacy and capacity (Serdyukov, 2015) to design quality online courses and improve student engagement in the online learning environment while inviting audience members to integrate new ideas as they reflect on their own practice. Through developing a Community of Practice (Wenger & Snyder, 2000) and employing servant leadership theory (Spears, 2010), the authors and their team created supports to equip and encourage university faculty to navigate the unfamiliar waters of online education during the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen their e-pedagogy skills to meet the long-term strategic plan of the university. Faculty who self-identify as Innovators and Early Adopters on Rogers’ (2003) Diffusion of Innovations stages assist with facilitating organization-wide change by modelling a growth mindset (Dweck, 2007) and developing strategies to approach faculty who are resistant to the change process. This Alt-Format presentation aligns with the OTESSA 2021 subtheme of Online Learning and Teaching.