Presenters are listed in alphabetical order.
Considering Curation as a Path Towards Decolonization
As part of my doctoral studies, I was asked to present the content of Dr. Marie Battiste’s book Decolonizing Education. To that end, I created the site: In this article, I consider the possibilities of using the curation of existing resources as a path towards decolonization. To that end, I explore my experiences creating a WordPress site structured around the framework of Dr. Marie Battiste’s book Decolonizing Education, a site that became part resource and presentation of the ideas in her book and part experimentation with the possibilities of curation. I further explore some of the questions that emerged while building the site including the role of getting beyond paper-based assignments in decolonizing education, considering my own role in the process of decolonization, the transferability of concepts among indigenous communities and the role technology ought to play in supporting decolonization. My goal is not as much to propose solutions as to generate questions and discussions regarding possible paths towards ethical approaches to teaching indigeneity, decolonization and reconciliation.