Opening the online homework system Chuck Pearson Asynchronous Monday, May 31, Thursday, June 3, Tuesday, June 1, Wednesday, June 2 Asynchronous
E-Portfolios and Exploring One’s Identity in Teacher Education Christine Ho YoungHusband Parallel Session 1.3 Monday, May 31 12:00 PM
Pandemic Reflections on the OTESSA Conference Themes Bonnie Stewart, George Veletsianos, Valerie Irvine Plenary Monday, May 31 9:00 AM
Experiencing a cognitive apprenticeship in the context of co-designing and co-teaching an undergraduate course Colin Madland, Heidi James Asynchronous Monday, May 31, Thursday, June 3, Tuesday, June 1, Wednesday, June 2 Asynchronous
Reconsidering the mandatory in mandatory online learning Bill Muirhead, Lorayne Robertson Parallel Session 1.1 Monday, May 31 11:00 AM
Considering Curation as a Path Towards Decolonization Tanya Elias Parallel Session 2.1 Monday, May 31 1:30 PM
Humanizing Assessment in Online Higher Education Colin Madland Parallel Session 1.1 Monday, May 31 11:00 AM
Embracing Disruption: Curriculum Reform & Community Building During a Pandemic Danielle Dilkes Parallel Session 1.1 Monday, May 31 11:00 AM
Developing an “Untextbook” to address open and critical learning design practice Irwin Devries, Michael Paskevicius, Michelle Harrison, Tannis Morgan Parallel Session 2.3 Monday, May 31 1:30 PM
Fellowship of the Open: How Community Supports Advocacy Elan Paulsen, Krista McCracken, Marnie Seal, Tricia Bonner, William Ju, Xinlin Wang Parallel Session 2.2 Monday, May 31 1:30 PM