UBC Sauder School of Business Faculty and Student Pandemic Survey: The Pedagogy and Tech Behind the Results Rob Peregoodoff Parallel Session 4.1 Tuesday, June 1 1:30 PM
Supporting faculty adoption of technology and online learning: Pandemic inspired possibilities Leeann Waddington, Marti Cleveland-Innes Parallel Session 5.2 Tuesday, June 1 3:00 PM
EdTech’s Critical Turn: How Flexible Learning is Liberatory But Also Imbricated in Issues of Power and Privilege George Veletsianos, Shandell Houlden Parallel Session 3.1 Tuesday, June 1 9:00 AM
Reconsidering the mandatory in mandatory online learning Bill Muirhead, Lorayne Robertson Parallel Session 1.1 Monday, May 31 11:00 AM
Student engagement in blended learning course environments in higher education: what are the most influential teachers’ strategies? Geraldine Heilporn, Marilou Bélisle, Sawsen Lakhal Parallel Session 5.1 Tuesday, June 1 3:00 PM
Open Pedagogy and Transdisciplinary Thinking: Making connections through a visual artefact self-study Connie Blomgren Parallel Session 8.1 Wednesday, June 2 3:00 PM
Investigating Student Engagement with Open Educational Practices: The Results from an Exploratory Survey Michael Paskevicius, Valerie Irvine Parallel Session 8.1 Wednesday, June 2 3:00 PM
Humanizing Assessment in Online Higher Education Colin Madland Parallel Session 1.1 Monday, May 31 11:00 AM
Developing Pre-Service Teacher Copyright Open Educational Videos Cathy Adams, Michael McNally, Samantha Sheplawy Parallel Session 6.1 Wednesday, June 2 9:00 AM
Social Media Use Among 9- to 11-Year-Old Children and School Principals’ Leadership Practices Barbara Brown, Jeremy Sanbrooks Parallel Session 6.1 Wednesday, June 2 9:00 AM
Open Education Co-Design as a Participatory Pedagogy in an Online Graduate Class Barbara Brown, Christie Hurrell, Mia Travers-Hayward, Michele Jacobsen, Nicole Neutzling, Verena Roberts Parallel Session 10.3 Thursday, June 3 10:30 AM
The Design and Evaluation of Online Faculty Development for Effective Graduate Supervision Hawazen Alharbi, Les Bairstow, Lisa Taylor, Michele Jacobsen Parallel Session 8.3 Wednesday, June 2 3:00 PM
Graphic Narratives of Open Scholarship Giulia Forsythe Parallel Session 7.1 Wednesday, June 2 1:30 PM
Developing an “Untextbook” to address open and critical learning design practice Irwin Devries, Michael Paskevicius, Michelle Harrison, Tannis Morgan Parallel Session 2.3 Monday, May 31 1:30 PM
Canadian Academic Librarians Teaching Online Heather McTavish, Lorayne Robertson Parallel Session 3.3 Tuesday, June 1 9:00 AM
Uncovering the Politics behind Adobe Stock Angelica Martinez Ochoa Parallel Session 9.1 Thursday, June 3 9:00 AM
Deconstructing Open: Meaning and Bias in Pedagogy, Modality, and Access Michael Paskevicius, Valerie Irvine Parallel Session 7.3 Wednesday, June 2 1:30 PM
Evolving Access to Educational Materials Michael Paskevicius Parallel Session 4.1 Tuesday, June 1 1:30 PM
Will Higher Education Share A Commons Destiny or Will The Market Know Best? Jim Luke Parallel Session 7.2 Wednesday, June 2 1:30 PM
Transitioning to Open Pedagogy in First-Year Experience Classes Eric Werth, Katherine Williams Parallel Session 6.3 Wednesday, June 2 9:00 AM
The Datafied Present/Future Bonnie Stewart, Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli Parallel Session 6.2 Wednesday, June 2 9:00 AM