Ouverture/Technologies en Éducation, dans la Société et pour l'avancement des Savoirs
#OTESSA22 Appel à communications

Sharing Our OTESSA Federal Pre-Budget Submission
Thank you to all of our domestic and international members and allies who provided input on our pre-budget submission to the Government of Canada’s pre-budget submission. We have submitted it to the House of Commons Finance Committee [website], where it will be translated into French and both the English and French versions will be posted […]

Community Contributions to Pre-Budget Submission to Govt
In this blog post, we will add some of the contributions made to our previous invitation for broader community input for pre-budget recommendations to the Canadian federal government. Please note that these contributions are likely equally applicable to most federal governments, so feel free to bring these back to your respective contexts. All contributions posted […]

Input Welcome for Canadian Federal Govt Pre-Budget Submission
As OTESSA finds new opportunities to advocate for our field and members in different contexts, whether regional, national, or international, we want to ensure that we are incorporating the views of our members. We want OTESSA to be more than a conference or a journal, we want to build community and to advocate for meaningful […]

Publishing Guidelines for OTESSA Journal – Conference Issue
Our inaugural issue will be comprised of papers resulting from authors who were accepted to present in the OTESSA conference (from 2020 or 2021). All presenters have the option to submit either: a short paper (1000-2000 words, excluding references or appendices), or a full paper (4000-7000 words, including references, but not including appendices). Work to be […]