Open Positions
We are needing to fill some open volunteer positions on our board and team. Please note that these may be direct appointment at this time. Elections are typically held at the AGM at the conference, but our bylaws allow for direct appointments. We do have an equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization priority, and invite applicants to self-declare their status. Information on the positions are provided below. To express your interest, please complete the following form, which is available in both English and French. Positions are available until filled.
Secretary-Treasurer (3-year term)
- The Secretary shall attend all meetings and act as clerk thereof and record all votes and minutes of all proceedings in the books or electronic storage devices to be kept for that purpose. The Secretary shall give or cause to be given notice of all meetings of the members, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board or President, under whose supervision the Secretary shall be. Any or all of the above duties may be delegated by resolution of the Board to the Secretariat.
- The Treasurer shall prepare the annual budget for approval by the Board and shall have the custody of the funds and securities of the Corporation and shall keep full and accurate accounts of all assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements of the Corporation in the books belonging to the Corporation and shall deposit all monies, securities and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Corporation in such chartered bank or trust company, or, in the case of securities, in such registered dealer in securities as may be designated by the Board from time to time. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Corporation as may be directed by proper authority taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the President and directors at the regular meeting of the Board, or whenever they may require it, an accounting of all the transactions and a statement of the financial position of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall also perform such other duties as may from time to time be directed by the Board. Any or all of the above duties may be delegated by resolution of the Board to the Secretariat and will such delegation by contract will be sought by the Board. In this case, the Treasurer may be a member from the Secretariat or the Treasurer may simply distribute the reports from the Secretariat with advisement.
Communications Officer (Term: TBD)
- The Communications Officer will chair the Communications Committee of volunteers, who may assist with social media, curating contact lists, email mailing lists, website, surveys, backchannel chat, and other communication strategies. The Communications Officer will attend Board Meetings to ensure direct and prompt communication of developments. They will also be expected to support the communications of annual conference and journal.
Graduate Student Representative (2-year term)
- Ph.D. or Thesis-based Master’s Students (1 of 2 positions)
The Graduate Student Representative will attend board meetings and co-chair the graduate student network. They will advise on graduate student issues as it pertains to the association, its conference and journal, and the field. The student will manage the graduate student email mailing list, seek to grow the student body, and survey graduate student members for priorities, which can be addressed by the board. The reps and their committee will help plan student events at the conference or throughout the year.