Publishing Guidelines for OTESSA Journal – Conference Issue
Our inaugural issue will be comprised of papers resulting from authors who were accepted to present in the OTESSA conference (from 2020 or 2021). All presenters have the option to submit either:
- a short paper (1000-2000 words, excluding references or appendices), or
- a full paper (4000-7000 words, including references, but not including appendices).
Work to be published must successfully pass a double-blind, peer-review process. Existing 2020 submissions will be set for an earlier release date than the following schedule and will start being published early this summer. We will be in touch with 2020 authors before the end of the month to update them on their status.
Submission guidelines are available on the OTESSA Journal website, which is hosted using the Open Journal System (OJS). Please note the OTESSA Journal is on a separate OJS installation than that used for the OTESSA Conference, so you will need to upload your submission on the OTESSA Journal website and NOT the OTESSA Conference system.
NOTE: if you submitted a full paper already to the OTESSA Journal OJS site, we will be publishing accepted papers in continuous format shortly as soon as copyediting is complete. Newly submitted paper deadlines and publishing timeline will be according to the following schedule:
July 31, 2021 – Draft of Full or Short Papers Due
August 31, 2021 – Reviews Returned to Authors
September 30, 2021 – Authors Submit Revised Version of the Article
November 1, 2021 – Papers Published (Continuous Publication Model)
Please note we are not accepting submissions as part of an open call at the present time, but please watch for announcements here and on our social media platforms regarding upcoming special issues. Current members of OTESSA will receive a direct email as well regarding our next steps.
We are very excited about this new journal and look forward to having you publish with us!
The OTESSA Journal
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash