Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association
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Call for Co-Located Conference Sites: #OTESSA25
We plan to host co-location conference sites this year with online and in-person destinations across Canada, the United States, and around the globe. If you are interested in hosting an OTESSA conference location, please email for further information and to receive an information package. Host sites will be able to receive financial support from […]
#OTESSA24 (Online or Onsite) Call For Proposals (and Special Conference Strand CfP) due February 15
The Open/Technology, Education, Scholarship and Society Association (OTESSA) is excited to announce the call for proposals for the upcoming #OTESSA24 conference [PICK YOUR PREFERENCE of On-Site at McGill University in Montreal June 12-15 or Online June 17-21], with co-chairs: Stephanie Moore (Assistant Professor, U New Mexico) Mariel Miller (Assistant Professor, UVic) Afsaneh Sharif (Faculty Liaison/Senior Project […]
The Open/Technology, Education, Scholarship and Society Association (OTESSA) is excited to announce the call for proposals for the upcoming #OTESSA23 conference [PICK YOUR PREFERENCE of On-Site at York University or Online], with co-chairs Connie Blomgren (Athabasca University), Nadia Naffi (ULaval), Leo Havemann (University College London, UK), and Local Area Coordinator, Beyhan Farhadi (York University). Support will […]
OTESSA Journal Early Releases from 2022 Volume 2, Issue 1
We are pleased to announce that we have published the very first issue of 2022 for the OTESSA Journal (with co-editors, George Veletsianos, Michele Jacobsen, and Valerie Irvine)! We are excited to have published early releases of a research article by Stephanie Moore, George Veletsianos, and Michael Barbour on A Synthesis of Research on Mental […]