Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association
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Call for Co-Located Conference Sites: #OTESSA25
We plan to host co-location conference sites this year with online and in-person destinations across Canada, the United States, and around the globe. If you are interested in hosting an OTESSA conference location, please email conference@otessa.org for further information and to receive an information package. Host sites will be able to receive financial support from […]

#OTESSA24 (Online or Onsite) Call For Proposals (and Special Conference Strand CfP) due February 15
The Open/Technology, Education, Scholarship and Society Association (OTESSA) is excited to announce the call for proposals for the upcoming #OTESSA24 conference [PICK YOUR PREFERENCE of On-Site at McGill University in Montreal June 12-15 or Online June 17-21], with co-chairs: Stephanie Moore (Assistant Professor, U New Mexico) Mariel Miller (Assistant Professor, UVic) Afsaneh Sharif (Faculty Liaison/Senior Project […]

The Open/Technology, Education, Scholarship and Society Association (OTESSA) is excited to announce the call for proposals for the upcoming #OTESSA23 conference [PICK YOUR PREFERENCE of On-Site at York University or Online], with co-chairs Connie Blomgren (Athabasca University), Nadia Naffi (ULaval), Leo Havemann (University College London, UK), and Local Area Coordinator, Beyhan Farhadi (York University). Support will […]

OTESSA Journal Early Releases from 2022 Volume 2, Issue 1
We are pleased to announce that we have published the very first issue of 2022 for the OTESSA Journal (with co-editors, George Veletsianos, Michele Jacobsen, and Valerie Irvine)! We are excited to have published early releases of a research article by Stephanie Moore, George Veletsianos, and Michael Barbour on A Synthesis of Research on Mental […]