Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association
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Input Welcome for Canadian Federal Govt Pre-Budget Submission
As OTESSA finds new opportunities to advocate for our field and members in different contexts, whether regional, national, or international, we want to ensure that we are incorporating the views of our members. We want OTESSA to be more than a conference or a journal, we want to build community and to advocate for meaningful […]

Publishing Guidelines for OTESSA Journal – Conference Issue
Our inaugural issue will be comprised of papers resulting from authors who were accepted to present in the OTESSA conference (from 2020 or 2021). All presenters have the option to submit either: a short paper (1000-2000 words, excluding references or appendices), or a full paper (4000-7000 words, including references, but not including appendices). Work to be […]

#OTESSA21 Final Deadline *EXTENDED* to January 11
We have received a number of requests to extend our deadline to January. We are pleased to support you and have extended our deadline to Monday, January 11 at 11:59pm. Please remember that proposals are only a maximum of 500 words and those wishing to submit for review a short paper for proceedings publication or […]

#OTESSA21 Call for Proposals
The Open/Technology, Education, Scholarship and Society Association (OTESSA) is excited to announce the call for proposals for the upcoming #OTESSA21 online conference, with co-chairs Michele Jacobsen (University of Calgary) and Anne-Marie Scott (Athabasca University), to be held with the Canadian Congress of the Humanities and the Social Sciences between May 31-June 3, 2021, in collaboration […]