Presenters are listed in alphabetical order.
Practice of Praxis
Yapnet is an online space for creative practitioners to share work in progress and gain feedback. It encourages a new way engaging with learning for professionals. All manner of artists- sound, image, word, design, movement, and people engaging with crafts share descriptions, drafts, process, audio, and visuals online as they develop their projects. The artists retain all rights to their work. The site is not commercial, or used as a promotional vehicle. There is no data mining and no details are shared. Yapnet is run and self-funded by individuals who donate their time to build the community. The basis for giving and receiving feedback is trust and respect. It is open and free for all to use.
One artist used Yapnet as a platform to ‘learn out loud’ for 128 days in preparation for a public event. They shared words, images, video and audio documenting their creative process online within the Yapnet community of creative practitioners and welcomed comments and support through the challenges of learning. Care, as much as knowledge, fostered growth. That learning journey and the benefit of engaging in this practice is presented in this session.